I’m ever curious how the New York Times editors’ book taste compares to that of more general readers, so I sliced and diced The New York Times “100 Notable Books” fiction list for 2013 by the related Amazon and Goodreads statistics just for fun this afternoon, and found:
How they fare on Amazon
Average ranking: 3.88
The high: 4.5
The low: 3
Percentage of books with a ranking of 4 or higher: 56%
Highest number of reviews: 3,176
Lowest number of reviews: 5
How they fare on Goodreads
Average ranking: 3.64
The high: 4.19
The low: 2.84
Percentage of books with a ranking of 4 or higher: 16-2/3%
Highest number of reviews: 18,222
Lowest number of reviews: 19
And since many of you who know me know that I care about this:
The number written by women: 54%
– Meg
(All numbers excluding the two poetry volumes which are not also novels. The list is here.)